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I am not accepting today's Nostradamus-Characters trying to fool poor Americans that environmental change is because of pollution. - It is simply something happening very regularly and there is nothing that we can do about it. Fortunately there are some still normal scientists helping me out with explaining the real facts: "It is not high , but low carbon levels that should worry us , says Professor Lars Franzén. - Carbon dioxide is the gas of life . Without carbon dioxide all life on earth halt. If man succeeds in raising the level too much , it could mean the end for some species , which of course is sad . But a corresponding decrease would have devastating consequences for all life on earth. So we should continue to burn and spread too much bio-gas all the time? - No, I do not mean that . We should instead use coal, oil and natural gas in a sensible manner , so that these valuable natural assets make the best possible use for all people, even in the poor world . Without fossil carbon the modern technology development had not taken place . If we act wisely , we can at best postpone the next ice age for perhaps fifty generations. But not indefinitely ; reality will catch up with us. The study, was done by Lars Franzén,Fredrik Lindberg, Viktoria Viklander and Alexander Walther , and was recently published in the journal Mires and Peat ." Many people out there, blame the Climate changes on Pollution: Carbon Dioxide levels are higher than what they have been ever, during the last 800.000 years. - It has nothing to do with Pollution: It is all about us using so much Fanta and Coca Cola! - In the Good Old Days a kid was happy receiving one small Bottle of Coca Cola, maybe just once a week. - Now he demands us to buy so that there is for the whole Family and that on a weekly basis! - 7.046 billion people drinking busloads of Fanta! - That is why we have problems with Carbon Dioxide levels! Pay the Prize! (Leifguru TM, 2014)

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